The other day I was driving out of my neighborhood and I saw on the community billboard where announcements are posted “Did you know, it’s impossible to fold in half any sized piece of paper more than 7 times”.  See the proof in the picture on the left.

 Doesn’t that sound like something a stoner would come up with?

I’ve been suspicious about activities in my neighborhood for a while and have even blogged about it (Click Here to See That Post).

But this really sounds like a bunch of stoners sitting around at 3:35 or 3:34 in the morning.  Trying to come up with something to write.  You know – Like in the Chicago song “25 or 6 to 4”. 

Which makes me wonder, did the administration and/or band director at my junior high school know, what potentially the song was about when we played it in the marching band?  Because other than the time reference there is still debate to this day of the song’s meaning.

As always –

You can follow me on Facebook at “I am Dazed and Confused” or Twitter –




The Who's - Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend at the 2010 Super Bowl

This is my Super Bowl inspired post.

My wife has been a fan of  The Who for most of her life.   Her brother was a little bit older and was seriously in to their music in the very early 70’s and was her introduction.  Now he sometimes acts as if he doesn’t know who they are even though he was the one that took her to one of their concerts when she was probably 12 – 14 years old and there has been a love affair ever since.

She does like their music and we have seen them in concert INNUMERABLE times.  In both Stadium and Arena venues. 

One of the most unique was in an outdoor amphitheatre setting that was actually a Roger Daltrey solo concert.  A torrential downpour  let out about half way through and the crowd scattered so we moved from our medium priced seats to the UP CLOSE seats.  I will say that it was a near religious experience watching him sing “Love, Reign O’er Me” while the rain came down in torrents.

The last time we saw The Who was probably in the late 90’s in Atlanta they were good but not great.

Tonight’s Super Bowl appearance was good but not great.

She disagrees with me about both of these performances.

I just think when it comes to The Who, she will always be that awestruck  adolescent seeing her first major stadium show of some true Rock Legends. 

Although she does question – Why is Pete Townshend so desperate for money that he licenses songs from The Who for every TV show and commercial on the air?

She’s delusional not stupid. 

As always –

You can follow me on Facebook at “I am Dazed and Confused” or Twitter –
